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Cryptocurrency services
Cryptocurrency services
This is the upcoming field which moves with extremely fast pace, and nobody wants to miss the opportunity in getting in. We can provide many solutions for you, including the followings:
-Data center setup
Looking to setup your own data center to mine and to process crypto-currencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc.)? Let us know, we can help find the best location for you with low electricity cost. With our team, we have setup and ran datacenters for several organizations. However, for mining, special design for the data center will have to be made as the amount of electricity, safety and head emitted are by far exponentially more than the regular data centers for other general servers. We have specialized team for undertaking this type of project.
-Coin Mining outsource
If setting up your own datacenter is too cumbersome for your requirement and you would prefer to find some good and reliable partner to manage the mining for you, do let us know. We will find the best solution for you as we have our own mining facility.
-Cryptocurrency cold storage
Looking for ultra secure cryptocurrency cold storage solution? This is one of our specialty as we can provide you with specialized solutions which will always allow your operation to continue with highest level security not on just physical level but on the data level as well. There have been several cases where other the cold storage has been penetrated, from these on top of other experiences of our team, we can ensure you highest level of data security with adequate in a functional system ensuring non-disruption to your business requirements.
-ICO and other general cryptocurrency consultancy
Are you looking to launch an ICO or would like to have more information on the cryptocurrency related topics in general? Or are you looking to integrate some specific cryptocurrency solution? Let us know, and we will help find the best solution for you.