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Javascript arrayHole.js
Javascript array can have holes / holes in array / sparse array.
Iterating array with holes, detecting holes in array, replacing holes in array and removing them.
Latest code update on github rambkk Javascript-hole-in-array arrayHole.js
/* Javascript arrayHole * Javascript holes in array or array with holes, how to iterate, detect, replace, and delete * using ideas from * * arrayHole (version 0.11 - initial release) * * Syntax: * * replaceHole(ARRAY,replacement [default: undefined]) * * The data to be used for replacement can be passed as the second parameter. * If replacement is not specified, undefined will be used. * Returns a new array with replaced items. * * Requirement: might require Javascript ES6 * * (c) Ram Narula You can use this information, kindly do give credit: github rambkk - Ram Narula - * Please drop a line to say hello and let me know what kind of project you are working on :-) * * * ['a',,'c'] is NOT SAME as ['a',undefined,'c'] * * rambkk - - looking for impossible projects */ /********************************/ /* Recusive function style: */ /********************************/ function replaceHole(a,s) { return a.length?Array(0 in a?a[0]:x).concat(replaceHole(a.slice(1),s):[]; } function replaceHole(a,s) { return a.length?[0 in a?a[0]:s, ...replaceHole(a.slice(1),s)]:[]; } /********************************/ /* Iteration function style: */ /********************************/ function replaceHole(a,s) { return Array(a.length+1).join('0').split('').map((_,k)=>k in a?a[k]:s); } function replaceHole(a,s) { return Array(a.length).fill().map((_,k)=>k in a?a[k]:s); } function replaceHole(a,s) { return [ Array(a.length)].map((_,k)=>k in a?a[k]:s); } /********************************/ /* Classic loop function style: */ /********************************/ function replaceHole(a,s) { => true); for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++) { if(b[i]) { b[i]=a[i]; } else { b[i]=s; } } return b; } function replaceHole(a,s) { var b=[]; for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++) { if(i in a) { b[i]=a[i]; } else { b[i]=s; } } return b; }