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Javascript hole in array
Holes in array – Javascript holes in array? What is holes in array? Detecting holes in array, replacing holes in array, or removing holes in array
Here is the Javascript code example – Javascript arrayHole.js
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Javascript holes in array, how to iterate, detect, replace, and delete
['a',,'c'] is NOT SAME as ['a',undefined,'c']
rambkk – – looking for impossible projects
((Just fun things to think about. Do drop a line to say hello and let me know what kind of project you are working on, or if help is needed))
Javascript array can have holes, eg:
arrayA=['a',,'c'] arrayA.length // 3
Normal array without hole:
arrayB=['a',undefined,'c'] arrayB.length // 3
Something to think about:
[].length` // 0 [undefined].length // 1
(NOTE: undefine is declared as data and takes up storage space that’s why the length is 1)
Without investigation, one might think that the second item (index:1) of arrayA is undefined
Let’s check:
typeof arrayA[1] // "undefined" arrayA[1] === undefined // true typeof arrayB[1] // "undefined" arrayB[1] === undefined // true
However, there are subtle differences between the above array and arrayB.
Object.values(arrayA) // Array [ 0, 2 ] Object.keys(arrayA) // Array [ "a", "c" ] Object.keys(arrayB) // Array(3) [ "a", "b", "c" ] Object.values(arrayB) // Array(3) [ "a", undefined, "c" ]
NOTE: Seems like Javascript internally deals with array with holes differently at least in Firefox browser
Possible problem:
Working with array with holes could be problematic especially when performing array iterations.
Issues include but not limited to map
, reduce
, and filter
eg: => true) // [ true, <1 empty slot>, true ]
(certain platform might display differently, eg:>true)[ true, empty, true ]
Detection? The “in” operator could help check if certain index has data or not.
1 in arrayA // false 1 in arrayB // true
Replacing holes with something else
Here are some codes to fill all holes with data (also in the files section).
replaceHole(ARRAY,replacement [default: undefined])
The data to be used for replacement can be passed as the second parameter. If replacement data is not specified, holes will be filled with undefined.
Recursive function style:
function replaceHole(a,s) { return a.length?Array(0 in a?a[0]:x).concat(replaceHole(a.slice(1),s):[]; } function replaceHole(a,s) { return a.length?[0 in a?a[0]:s, ...replaceHole(a.slice(1),s)]:[]; }
Iteration function style:
function replaceHole(a,s) { return Array(a.length+1).join('0').split('').map((_,k)=>k in a?a[k]:s); } function replaceHole(a,s) { return Array(a.length).fill().map((_,k)=>k in a?a[k]:s); } function replaceHole(a,s) { return [ Array(a.length)].map((_,k)=>k in a?a[k]:s); }
Classic loop function style:
function replaceHole(a,s) { => true); for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++) { if(b[i]) { b[i]=a[i]; } else { b[i]=s; } } return b; }
function replaceHole(a,s) { var b=[]; for(var i=0;i<a.length;i++) { if(i in a) { b[i]=a[i]; } else { b[i]=s; } } return b; }
Example usage:
(NOTE: the default replacement is undefined)
arrayTest=['a',,'c',,'e'] // Array(5) [ "a", <1 empty slot>, "c", <1 empty slot>, "e" ] arrayTestNew=replaceHole(arrayTest) // Array(5) [ "a", undefined, "c", undefined, "e" ] arrayA=['a',,'b'] // Array(3) [ "a", <1 empty slot>, "b" ] arrayResult=replaceHole(arrayA,'/*<empty>*/') // Array(3) [ "a", "/*<empty>*/", "b" ] replaceHole(['a',undefined,,,'b'],'/*<empty>*/') // Array(5) [ "a", undefined, "/*<empty>*/", "/*<empty>*/", "b" ] replaceHole([,]) // Array [ undefined ] replaceHole([,],'/*<empty>*/') // Array [ "/*<empty>*/" ]
NOTE: a comma ‘,’ followed at the end of array declaration does not create additional item after the comma
Creating a hole by removing an item from array
This could be done with delete
arrayTest=['a','b','c'] // Array(3) [ "a", "b", "c" ] 0 in arrayTest // true 1 in arrayTest // true 2 in arrayTest // true delete arrayTest[1] 0 in arrayTest // true 1 in arrayTest // false 2 in arrayTest // true arrayTest[] // Array(3) [ "a", <1 empty slot>, "c" ]
Removing all holes in an array, shifting array indexes
NOTE: item indexes after each hole will be changed
arrayTest=['a',,'c',,'e'] // Array(5) [ "a", <1 empty slot>, "c", <1 empty slot>, "e" ] arrayTest.length // 5 arrayTestNew=arrayTest.filter(()=>true) // Array(3) [ "a", "c", "e" ] arrayTestNew.length // 3
(c) Ram Narula You can use this information, kindly do give credit: github rambkk – Ram Narula –
Please drop a line to say hello and let me know what kind of project you are working on